Monday, August 10, 2020

it’s tuesday and it’s raining

 it’s tuesday and it’s raining 

my limbs move beneath me, ever so slowly, softly. 

the lull of a rainy tuesday morning makes my bed feel like a plush cloud of dreams 

a comfort that the world cannot provide me right now or ever. should i ever leave?

will i ever love again? 

i can see the moon better than i can see the sun

why does it stare at me? 

daring me? analyzing me? admiring me? 

& in the mornings i sometimes think of all the arms that have held me: 

some loosely, not tight enough

some so tight i could barely breathe

i breathe deeply and hold myself just tight enough

i wonder if i will ever let someone that close again

yet, i am in the state of loving again

perhaps i’ve found the greatest love of them all


i love the things about me that i used to hate 

i am a spec of dust, made from the same matter as the stars 

i deserve my love before anyone else

on days when the sun doesn’t shine like today, my internal sun shines brightest

i love that strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that i used to dread 

reminding me of how powerful my emotions are

my vulnerability 

my tender heart that contrasts with the hardness of my head 

a mind so unwavering that it terrifies me and leaves me breathless at times

i sometimes wonder if the two were meant to be together? 

a heart so fragile and a head so impenetrable 

to love without remorse is not weakness

maybe this is the most puissant thing about me

i love with my eyes closed, without fear of the future, 

like sending it down a mountain covered in snow that came from the sky on 2 inches of plastic 

surreal, dreamlike, unearthly 

ready to fly, soar 

it is magic to feel this alive

right here, right now

it’s tuesday and it’s raining. 

the top of the mountains

 i grew up in a dry valley surrounded by mountains. Endless fields of corn and alfalfa stretched for miles until they reached the foot of th...