Monday, September 3, 2018

mullet boy

i promise this blog is usually serious, but this is a post that i just had to write about. i hope you all find it amusing. there's been so many times in the past few weeks that i've stopped and thought 'this life is so so good.' about three weeks ago, we decided to go to a music festival, on a Sunday; the Sunday right before the first day of college. this music festival just happened to only be $12, and so we couldn't pass up the opportunity. mack, mckenna, and i road tripped to denver, where we picked up clayten, chloe, and sky. when we arrived, we tried to sneak a flask into Velorama, and got yelled at by security, and so i tried to hide it in a bush, but he still found it. once we got in, we all used our fake id's and got stamped, except for mack who doesn't have one. i licked my stamp and put it on her hand: genius. while we were waiting for cults and matt & kim to come on stage, we drank margaritas and walked around all of the booths. chloe and sky almost died riding motorized bikes while intoxicated, and we all watched in terror. when we finally made it to the food trucks, i saw a boy standing by the hawaiian shaved ice shack. he was tall, had long hair to his shoulders that was pulled up in a man bun (very important detail), the best smile, and was wearing high skate checkered vans. i knew i had to go talk to him, or i would always regret not doing it, so i mustered up all my courage and walked up to him and his group of friends. i told him i liked his shoes, and got his snapchat, then he told me he'd find me at the concert later. i was pulsing off of pure adrenaline when i went and found my friends standing behind the food trucks, where they were watching everything go down. when i looked back down at my phone, i realized that i didn't have this boy on snapchat, so i thought something went wrong when adding him (lol). anyways, we went to get clayten food, and it felt like we stood waiting in line for five years until we finally got it. all the while, the cute guys' two friends were standing about five feet away from me. i was, to say the least, a little bit intoxicated, and was completely delirious as to what was going on. we were all standing in a circle, when i could feel someone standing behind me, and it was the boy again! he came to get my snapchat again, because it hadn't worked earlier. i was completely unaware of what was going on, but gave it to him anyways. at this point, i was pretty positive he had to be in high school, because only a high school boy would do something like that. while we waited for cults to come out, we all sat in a circle in front of the stage talking. everyone was high out of their minds, and we just sat there talking. i had seen a lot of people around the festival with just the top of their heads shaved, and i was so confused as to where they were coming from and why they were doing this. all of a sudden, i see a group of people walking towards us. i nearly passed out when i realized it was the guy from earlier, except now he had a full on MULLET. yes, it was the cringiest of cringe mullets, and his friend's head was completely shaved on the top. at first i was absolutely shocked, and i literally asked them 'is this real life?' turns out it was definitely real life, and i just busted out laughing so hard i couldn't even breathe. sky was laying on the ground, laughing so hard she was crying, and everyone else was also just laughing at this poor mullet boy that was standing in front of us. he said 'you probably won't like me anymore now that i have a mullet,' and this had me dead. i was literally going to die from laughing. he asked, 'is it really that bad?' and i swear i tried to answer, but words wouldn't come out of my mouth. after about 15 minutes of getting laughed at, the poor guy finally left and disappeared into the crowd. cults finally came on stage, and played about five songs, and they were great live. when matt & kim came on stage, shit got weird. i swear this was the most bizarre concert i have ever been to, and i have been to a lot of concerts, including justin bieber (twice). at one point, kim was drumming with two giant dildos: one black and one white. matt then threw about five blow up dolls into the crowd, and i thought i was dreaming. not only was the concert weird, but the atmosphere and people there were just strange. after a couple songs, kim was screaming for everyone to crowd surf, which was extremely annoying because i kept getting hit in the head with random people's butts. all of a sudden, i saw mullet boy crowd surfing, and i looked over at skylyn, and she just lost it. she was laughing so hard that she fell on the ground and nearly got trampled. mullet boy was crowd surfing RIGHT AT ME. it was so awkward, and i didn't want to touch him, so i nonchalantly moved out of the way, leaving a giant hole right where he was headed. mullet boy then fell to the ground (sorta because i dropped him) and probably broke his ass on the pavement. when i thought things couldn't get any weirder, matt & kim then made the crowd split and MOSH to the song 'daylight'. if any of you know this song, you know that it is not the type of song you have a mosh pit to. we were right where it split in half, and i swear i saw my life flash before my eyes. i truly thought mckenna died, her tiny self, flying at a whole crowd of people in a mosh pit. after the concert, we drove the hour home, and i was still in shock at everything that had happened. anyways, moral of the story, never pass up $12 concert tickets, see matt & kim live before you die, and don't trust guys with man buns, because they might just turn into guys with mullets.
                                                     Mullet boy and mullet boy's friend

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