Tuesday, November 26, 2019

something, nothing, and everything

this semester has by far been one of the best parts of my life; it has been generative, full of learning and growth, and living with those who I know will be in my life forever.
that said, i'm also in classes that have made me think harder than ever before, which is both good and bad. i'm much more knowledgable on extremely important subjects, like God, existence, love, death, matter, etc. but this also brings up a lot of existential crisis' when you are constantly thinking about such deep subject matter. however, i wouldn't have it any other way.
i'm in a death & dying course, and i've written my own will, my last letter, my obituary, and i've planned my own funeral in a matter of 3 months. i've thought a lot about dying, and in turn, i've thought a lot about living. I've decided that both are equally terrifying, inevitable pursuits.
i'm in a class that is about love and rhetoric surrounding love. i've questioned exactly what love means to me, how to love or be loved, how to talk about love, and how to enact love.
i'm in a course called "Aristotle." All we do is read Aristotle, hence the course title. We have read "The Physics," "The Metaphysics," "The Nicomachian Ethics," and now we are reading "The Poetics." Anyways, if anyone ever wants to truly feel like they understand the densest topics known to mankind, read Aristotle.
I've come to realize how everything is connected. All of nature is one with energy, and i think i've learned how to be more comfortable with existence because of this realization. i love learning so much and i wake up everyday excited to go to my classes.
And my friends, my friends are the glue that keeps my sanity intact, and i just cannot fathom how i found so many beautiful souls. when i'm reflecting on everything that i am thankful for, those girls are always at the top of the list.
i sit and think about my life and think "this cannot be my life," because it is so sweet.
so, instead of questioning it, i think i'll just revel in it.

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